S3 Gàidhlig – Turas SMO

Air Dimairt, fhuair còignear bho S3 cothrom tadhal air Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, Colaiste Gàidhlig na h-Alba, san Eilean Sgitheanach. Chaidh sinn air an treana eadar Inbhir Nis agus Caol Loch Aillse, an uairsin tacsi gu ruige Sleite, far a bheil a’ Cholaiste. An toiseach fhuair sinn fàilte agus fios mun àite bho Cheitidh.

Chaidh sinn a’ choimhead air àrainn Ostaig, far an do thoisich Sabhal Mor Ostaig mar cholaiste air ais ann an 1973.

As dèidh sin, choisich sinn dhan togalach, ùr, spaideil – Ionad Iain Nobail, far an do ghabh sinn biadh.

Choinnich sinn ri tòrr eòlaichean tron latha. Thachair sinn ri Decker Forrest – stiuiriche a’ chursa chiùil, agus thug e dhuinn fiosrachadh mun chursa agus an iomadh chothrom an lùib sin.

An uairsin, chaidh sinn gu Fiolm G (a tha steidhichte le oifis ann an Ionad Iain Nobail). Bhruidhinn Eilidh bho Fiolm G rinn agus sheall i dhuinn diofar fiolmaichean goirid. Bha seo air leth spòrsail agus inntinneach.

Mu dheireadh, thadhail sinn air togalach ‘Fas’ far a bheil stiudio, oifisean agus cuideachd far a bheil riochdairean program ‘Bannan’ steidhichte. Bha cothrom ann ionnsachadh mu dheidhinn na cothroman a th’ ann an saoghal na Gàidhlig  a thaobh na meadhanan agus fhuair sinn fiosrachadh mun chursa ‘Gàidhlig is na meadhanan’ aig Sabhal Mòr Ostaig.

Thill sinn air an treana feasgar as dèidh latha air leth inntinneach agus spòrsail.

On Tuesday, five pupils from S3 visited Sabhal Mor Ostaig, Scotland’s Gaelic College, for an open day. The college is situated in the Isle of Skye. We travelled from Inverness to Kyle by train and then taxi from Kyle over to the college, in Sleat. We were met by Ceitidh, student recruitment officer, who welcomed us and showed us some slides and videos about life at the college.

We had a tour of the Ostaig campus, where the college first started back in 1973.

After that we walked over to the new, very modern building – Ionad Iain Nobail, where we had lunch.

We spoke to many different staff throughout the day, all of them experts in language, music or media. Decker Forrest (the Gaelic & Traditional Music course leader) spent time telling us about the structure of the course and the many opportunities connected to it.

We then met with Eilidh from Film G (based in Ionad Iain Nobail). Eilidh spoke about filmmaking and showed us a variety of short films. It was really fun spending time at Film G.

Finally we had a tour of the Fas building – a purpose-built cultural and creative hub which has a film studio, radio studio and many offices including the production office of tv show ‘Bannan’. We learned about the vast range of opportunities in Gaelic media and were told all about the ‘Gaelic and Media’ degree course.

We returned home to Inverness by train in the evening after a very interesting and fun day out at Sabhal Mor Ostaig.

Fàilte gu Roinn na Gàidhlig


Tha sinn a’ toiseachadh bliadhna ùr ann an sgoil ùr! Seo Roinn na Gàidhlig mar a tha e an-dràsta. Barrachd dealbhan ri thighinn…

Welcome to the Gaelic department in the new IRA building. Here are a few pictures of how the department looks just now. More photos will follow as wall displays are completed.


Co-Fharpais Sgriobhaidh/ Writing Competition

Tha clasaichean AS1-3 Gaelic agus Gàidhlig air pìosan a sgrìobhadh airson am farpais ChLAS a bhios a’ tachairt gach bliadhna. Bha na luchd-ionnsachadh a’ sgrìobhadh air ‘Mi Fhin’ no ‘Am Baile Agam’ agus bha roighinn aig na fileantaich eadar ‘Mo ghaisgeach’ no ‘Na rudan nach b’urrainn dhomh a bhith beò as aonais’. ’S e co-fharpais nàiseanta a tha seo agus ma bhuannachas iad, tha duaisean rim faighainn – gheibh iad cairt gibht luach £50 airson a’ chiad àite, £30 airson an dàrna àite no £20 airson an treas àite.

S1-3 Gaelic learner and fluent classes have been working on pieces of writing recently to enter the annual CLAS writing competition. Entries are sent away to be judged with the chance of winning a gift voucher to the value of £50 for first place, £30 for second or £20 for third in each category. Pupils were given different titles to choose from and were asked to respond to these as best they could to show off what they have learnt in Gaelic this year.